Black Desert Online Remastered How to Get Ninja Armor

Last updated: 17th June 2020

(Some parts of this guide, such as awakening and succession skill descriptions are skill under development and will be coming at a later date)


Remember that class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play-style! I also highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible and gathering as much information as you can about your class before deciding what is best for you and how you play. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions.

The Ninja class is the male counter part to the Kunoichi Class. This class uses a Shortsword as their primary weapon and a Shuriken as their secondary weapon. They can also use the Kunai as their secondary weapon, but Shuriken is prefered because it gives access to the skills "Shuriken: Malice" and "Shuriken: Flight" which are both useful skills in their kit. At level 56, Ninja unlocks his awakening skills and a new awakening weapon, which is the Sura Katana. The awakening weapon is actually 6 swords, which makes the animations and visuals of the class very satisfying. They are also the only other class (other than Kunoichi) to have stealth, which opens up a unique playstyle and you can pull off some fun engages because of it. The class is dynamic and fast paced with many complicated skill combos and cancels. Ninja is also very level and gear dependant as well as needing a lot of skill points for their core build. If you are new to the game this may not be the best class to start off with because you will need to put a lot of time and work into the class to see results, but if you do choose to play a Ninja then you will find it is also very rewarding once you master it.

Awakened Ninja is a melee skirmisher and does really well in small scale PVP and 1v1 situations. They do struggle to find their place in largescale and work best on a flank/flex squad in a node war because of this. Ninja is a very fast grinder in low end PVE, but is considered just above average in high end PVE. They are also one of the more interactive grinders which can become tiresome after a while.

Check out the video below to see some examples of character combat.



  • Strong in 1v1 and small scale
  • Good for flank/flex roles in a nodewar
  • Fast paced combat
  • Double jump and jump combos are great for taking out cannons in a node war


  • Weak in largescale PVP
  • Difficult to play with high skill ceiling
  • Can be tedious to grind due to so many skill cancels


Ninja succession can be unlocked after level 56 after speaking to the Black Spirit and completing the Succession quest under the suggestions tab. This will give you a totally seperate skill tree that enhances your main hand skills and only has a few awakening skills. Your awakening weapon still effects your succession damage but is not as much of a priority. You can get away with using a Green/Blue grade TRI Ultimate weapon without losing too much damage. This is because only 30% of your Awakening AP is applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats, such as Human/Species Damage and Accuracy.

Succession is considered better in general for PVE at end game. Like with most classes, succession pulls higher trash loot in end game spots but until then Awakening will perform better. Succession is better in largescale and node wars (main attack) due to the amount of protected damage it has compared to an awakened Ninja. For 1vX and smallscale, Awakening vs Succession is completely down to your personal preference. You can get away with using succession from the start if you want to, but you will need around 1,700 skill points to get your core build which is suitable for PVP, this is around 200 points more than what you need for your Awakening core build.

In each section of the guide you can find additional information about succession skills.


Leveling skill build – Level 50 (267 skill points):

Post-Awakening skill build – Level 56 (520skill points):

Low-Tier skill build – Level 59 (980 skill points): Core skill build – Level 60 (1555 skill points):

End-Game skill build – Level 60 (1925 skill points):

Always prioritize Awakening skills before leveling your Absolute Skills. Succession Starter skill build – Level 60 (592 skill points):

Succession Low-Tier skill build – Level 59 (1158 skill points):

Succession Core skill build – Level 61 (1714 skill points): Succession End-Game skill build – Level 61 (1926 skill points):

  • Keys in square brackets [] mean that you tap the key. For example, [Q] means you tap Q once.
  • Keys in round brackets () mean that you hold the key. For example, (HOLD Q) means you hold Q until the next step. (PERMAHOLD Q) means you hold Q throughout the combo.
  • Keys separated by a "+" symbol should be used at the same time. For example, [Q] + [LMB] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time.
  • Keys separated by a ">" symbol show the order you should follow out the steps. For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time, then tap F
  • [LMB] refers to left-clicking with your mouse, [RMB] refers to right-clicking with your mouse.

Skill descriptions for awakening and succession are still in development for this guide.


Wind Slash

Wind Slash is your auto attack. It is leveled automatically without costing skill points. It is only really useful for early game PVE to restore WP.

Fatal Wind

This adds a small increase to your auto attack damage and is not worth leveling.

Flow: Sky Stepping

This skill is your double jump. It is useful for reaching places that other classes cannot get to because only Ninjas, Kunoichi and Tamer have a double jump.

Suicide Fall

This skill is your grab skill. It is an incredibly important skill and shouldn't be wasted in PVP. You can also use ghost step and then ghost greeting to quickly teleport quite a large distance if you need to escape.

Killer Training

This skill is your passive which gives you extra Melee AP and Evasion Rate as you level it up.


Ninja Evasion
[A] + [A]

This skill is activated by double tapping in any direction (other than WW). I highly recommend locking this skill.

Ninjutsu: Block Jump
[SHIFT] + [Q] + [W/A/S/D]

This skill is a very important part of the ninja kit. When you use it you will disappear for around 2 seconds and during this time you are in an iframe. You can move slightly by pressing any direction key. The skill also stiffens the enemy when you land near them. You can also use Ghost Step by pressing [W x2] or [W] + [F] to do a small dash forwards. I recommend changing your settings (settings > interface > evasion WW) and setting a seperate key for this to make it easier to pull off if you are having trouble.

Ghost Step
[SHIFT] + [A/S/D]

Ghost step will make you disappear for a second and move in the direction you choose. You can also use the skill by double tapping [W] or [W] + [F]. It is recommend to set up a button for [WW] in your settings. The skill is a very important one because it is used for a lot of skill cancels and mobility. It has a short iframe in the time that you disappear, and then super armor at the end of the skill.

Target Chase
[S] + [Q]

This skill gives you a 15 second buff which increases your sprint speed and also doesn't consume stamina when spritning. The skill can be put on your hotbar and used in awakening to switch to preawakening and use the buff. It's a nice quality of life skill that is useful when you are running around, or chasing down a target.

Ninja Step
[W] + [RMB]

This skill is a quick dash still that has a short iframe and can pass through targets. It can be used in both awakening and preawakening.

Ghost Greeting
[LMB] while Sprinting

This skill is a good gap closer or mobility skill because it will teleport you a good distance towards an enemy. It also has stiffness CC on good hits.

Throwing Kick

This skill can sometimes work in combos beacuse it chains into fox claw very nicely in the succession kit. It also has a float CC on the skill but is unprotected.

Floor Sweeping
[F] + [S]

This skill gives a Down Attack Damage +10% buff for 10 seconds which is very nice. The skill can also be used to cancel the shadow stomp animation.


Fatal Blow
[LMB] + [RMB]

This skill is a good damage skill with stiffen on it. The skill has a 5 second cooldown and if used during this time the stiffness CC will not work.

Flow: Fatal Blow Combo
[LMB] + [RMB] after Fatal Blow

This skill is an extension of Fatal Blow and adds extra damage in a second hit


This skill can be used to quickly cancel the animation of some skills and also provides +100 HP and WP recovery.

Crescent Slash
[LMB] + [S]

Crescent Slash can sometimes interfere with combos and a new player may want to lock it. It can cancel from Ghost Step then into fox claw very quickly and is mostly used in PVE grinding.

Shuriken Throw

This skill allows you to throw shurikens. It is automatically skilled at level 1 and is needed to unlock the following skills.

Shuriken: Malice

This skill is an extension of Shuriken Throw. This is the best shuriken skill. It can inflict stiffness CC on your target and also does decent damage when you level it up to an Absolute skill. The skill is used in many combos.

Shuriken: Flight
[S] + [Q]

This skill is an extension of Shuriken Throw and has a floating CC. It can also be used to cancel into Shadow Stop.

Shadow Slash
[LMB] + [A/D]

This skill gives a small amount of WP and also gives you an attack speed +5% buff for 10 seconds. You should try to keep the buff up as much as possible in PVP but be careful as it does cost a lot of stamina to use.

Quickslot only

This skill must be placed on your hotbar to use directly. It is one of the most important PVP skills in the Ninja kit as it provides an evasion rate +6% buff for 10 seconds and also stuns the target in the area. You also have super armor during the animation and can be used to cancel some other skills (such as Shadow Slash) by pressing [SPACE] afterwards. If you can pull this off correctly you will get a lingering super armor and a much smoother animation.

Ninjutsu: Concealment
[SPACE] after Smokescreen

This skill can be used after smokescrean to put you into stealth. Stealth is not protected and you can be hit and revealed. The skill is used to go invisible for a maximum of 15 seconds and can be used to retreat or engage.

Heart Aiming
[LMB] + [RMB] during Concealment

This skill can be used whilst you are in stealth using [LMB] + [RMB] or by pressing [SPACE]. The skill can also be used direcetly after Shadow Slash by simply holding [LMB] and [RMB]. The skill will stun the target on good hits but it does have along cooldown of 40 seconds.

Ankle Cutter

This skill gives the target a -10 DP debuff for 5 seconds and is often using during combos. It also inflicts bound CC on good hits.

Fox Claw

This skill is good as a DPS filler and is used in some combos. It is also really good for succession players. The skill has a stifness CC on good hits as well as an air attack and down attack.

Shadow Stomp
[S] + [E]

This skill is an important skill and used in many combos. It does have a long animation but this can be cancelled using Shuriken Throw, Floor Sweeping, Shuriken: Flight or Smokescreen. The skill doesn't have protection so you should be careful when using it but it has a flaoting CC and air attack.

Ninjutsu: Shadow Clone
[SPACE] after Shadow Stomp

This skill can be used after Shadow Stomp by pressing [SPACE] or can be used from your quick slot (within 6 seconds) to deal extra damage. It also has an air smash and down smash which will increase the CC duration if successful.

Boss Slaughter
[SHIFT] + [F] + [W/S]

Boss Slaughter is a good gap closer skill with a decent range and speed. It has two different animations depending on whether you press [W] or [S]. Some people prefer to lock this skill and then use it from their hotbar because it makes the animation just a bit faster.

Ninjutsu: Shackles

This skill has a stun and also movement speed -30% debuff for 10 seconds which is great for slowing your enemy. At Absolute it will slow for -50%. It is mostly used as a filler in PVP or as a finishing skill becuase it is unprotected. It can be useful when used on certain classes such as Musa and Maehwa because a movement speed slow counters them quite hard. You can cancel the animation using Ghost Step or Shuriken: Malice.

Ninjutsu: Black Moonlight

This skill does decent damage and is used in some combos. It has a stiffness CC on good hits. The skill can be used from stealth as part of your engage.

Ninjutsu: Blade Spin

This skill is an important skill used in many combos. It has a down smash which is great on targets which are already on the floor to extend the CC. The skill also has super armor when being used. You can cancel the skill early but this removes the super armor. You can also use bladespin to switch directly from Awakening to Preawakening.

Beheading the Dead
[SHIFT] + [E]

This skill has a short iframe while you are invisible and then will stun on good hits. It also has a DP -15 debuff for 10 seconds which is applied to your target. It does have a pretty long animation but you can cancel this using Ghost Step and Smokescreen.

Skill Combos

The following skill combos are very basic combos/cancels and some additional tips/tricks for your class. I recommend using video guides to learn more complex skill combos, because it is much easier to see exactly what you should be doing, rather than reading it and trying to wrap your head around it all. There are some recommended skill combo videos in the Useful Links section and the end of the guide!

  • Keys in square brackets [] mean that you tap the key. For example, [Q] means you tap Q once.
  • Keys in round brackets () mean that you hold the key. For example, (HOLD Q) means you hold Q until the next step. (PERMAHOLD Q) means you hold Q throughout the combo.
  • Keys separated by a "+" symbol should be used at the same time. For example, [Q] + [LMB] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time.
  • Keys separated by a ">" symbol show the order you should follow out the steps. For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time, then tap F
  • [LMB] refers to left-clicking with your mouse, [RMB] refers to right-clicking with your mouse.

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Suicide Fall, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Serpent Ascension, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Illusion of Restraint, Shuriken: Malice, Fox Claw

[E] > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [C] > [S] + [F] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [SHIFT] + [Z] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [RMB]

This is an example of a grab PVP combo

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Suicide Fall, Ankle Cutter, Ghost Step, Shuriken: Malice, Murderous Intent, Illusion of Restraint, Shuriken Throw, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Serpent Ascension

[E] > (Move camera) > [SHIFT] + [LMB] > [SHIFT] + [S] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [LMB] > [C] > [SHIFT] + [LMB] > [SHIFT] + [Z] > [W] + [F] > [RMB] > [S] + [E] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [C] > [S] + [F]

This is an example of a grab PVP combo

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Suicide Fall, Ninjutsu: Shackles, Shuriken: Malice, Shuriken Throw, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Serpent Ascension, Illusion of Restraint

[E] > (Quickslot: Shackles) > [Q] > [RMB] > (Quickslot: Shadow Stomp) > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [C] > [S] + [F] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a grab PVP combo

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Murderous Intent, Serpent Ascension, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Shuriken: Malice, Shuriken Throw, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Illusion of Restraint

[SHIFT] + [LMB] > [S] + [F] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [Q] > [RMB] > [S] + [E] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a PVP combo using stiffness

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Ninjutsu: Block Jump, Serpent Ascension, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Shuriken: Malice, Shuriken Throw, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Illusion of Restraint

[SHIFT] + [Q] > [S] + [F] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [Q] > [RMB] > [S] + [E] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a PVP combo using stiffness

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Suicide Fall, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Throwing Kick, Fox Claw, Ninjutsu: Black Moonlight, Shuriken: Malice, Illusion of Restraint (Succession combo)

[E] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > (Quicksot: Bladespin) > [SPACE] > [F] > [SHIFT] + [RMB] > [LMB] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a grab PVP combo for players with succession

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Suicide Fall, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Shuriken Malice, Ghost Greeting, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Fox Claw, Ninjutsu: Black Moonlight (Succession combo)

[E] > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [W] + [LMB] > [S] + [E] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [SHIFT] + [RMB] > [LMB]

This is an example of a grab PVP combo for players with succession

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Prime: Evasive Shuriken Malice, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Ghost Step, Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Throwing Kick, Fox Claw, Ninjutsu: Black Moonlight, Illusion of Restraint (Succession combo)

[W/A/D] + [Q] > [W] + [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [W] + [F] > [S] + [E] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [F] > [SHIFT] + [RMB] > [LMB] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a PVP combo using stiffness for players with succession

icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon
Required skills: Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp, Ninjutsu: Blade Spin, Shadow Slash, Heart Aiming, Fatal Blow, Flow: Fatal Blow Combo, Shuriken: Malice, Ninjutsu: Black Moonlight, Illusion of Restraint (Succession combo)

[S] + [E] > (Quickslot: Bladespin) > [A/D] + [LMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [LMB] + [RMB] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [C] > [SHIFT] + [Z]

This is an example of a largescale PVP combo for players with succession

Locked Skills

These are the skills I recommend locking:
Ninja Evasion, Boss Slaughter**
icon icon

To lock a skill, press the lock icon on the top of each skill icon in the skill window (K).
** Some players lock Boss Slaughter and use the skill from their hotbar to make the animation just a little faster.

Rabam Skills

Level 56
iconNinjutsu: Oni Shadow– Requires [Smokescreen V] and [Ninjutsu: Concealment] (Preferred Choice)
iconShuriken: Moon Dive– Requires [Smokescreen V] and [Shuriken: Flight III]

Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow is the prefered skill of the two because it has good mobility whilst in stealth and you can use ghost step straight after revealing yourself to go into stealth again. Shuiken: Moon Dive is just not worth taking because it has low damage and is an unprotected skill. It is just not a skill you should be taking and the utility of Oni Shadow is way better.

Level 57
iconIllusion of Restraint– Requires [Ninjutsu: Block Jump] and [Ninjutsu: Shackles IV] (Preferred Choice)
iconNinjustsu: Decapitation Requires [Ninjutsu: Block Jump] and [Beheading the Dead III]

Illusion of Restraint is the prefered choice because it has high damage and is a big AOE skill. It does have an iframe whilst you are moving and forward guard on it as well. While Ninjutsu: Decapitation is lacking a bit in damage. It can be useful as a gap closer because of it's long distance mobility, but most players choose Illusion of Restraint to go in their PVP combos.

Skill Add-ons

Below are some examples of viable skill add-ons you can take. I recommend experimenting with your add-ons and figuring out what is best for you, because it really depends on your personal preference and how you play your class. If you're simply not sure what to take then you can blindly follow the examples below and they will still be effective.

PVX Skill Add-ons [Awakening]

[Level 50] Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp

All Evasion +5% for 10 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 52] Ninjutsu: Blade Spin

PVP Attack +15 for 5 sec. for self
All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. for self

[Level 54] Beheading the Dead

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 9 sec. for self

[Level 56] Murderous Intent

Attack against monsters +25 for 8 sec. for self
All Defense +15 for 10 sec. for self

[Level 58] Seamless

Critical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 60] Serpent Ascension

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. for self

PVX Skill Add-ons [Awakening] icon
[Level 50] Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 52] Shuriken: Malice

PVP Attack +10 for 5 sec. for self
Attack Speed +7% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 54] Beheading the Dead

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 9 sec. for self

[Level 56] Murderous Intent

Attack against monsters +25 for 8 sec. for self
All Evasion +5% for 10 sec. for self

[Level 58] Seamless

Critical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 60] Serpent Ascension

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. for self

PVX Skill Add-ons [Succession]

[Level 50] Fatal Blow

Attack against monsters +25 for 8 sec. for self
Critical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. for self

[Level 52] Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 54] Smokescreen

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 56] Shuriken: Flight

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
All Defense +10 for 10 sec. for self

[Level 58] Ninjutsu: Blade Spin

PVP Attack +15 for 5 sec. for self
All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. for self

[Level 60] Beaheading the Dead

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 9 sec. for self

PVX Skill Add-ons [Succession] icon
[Level 50] Fatal Blow

PVP Attack +10 for 5 sec. for self
Attack Speed +4% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 52] Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp

PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 54] Smokescreen

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Attack Speed +10% for 5 sec. for self

[Level 56] Prime: Red Rain

All Evasion +4% for 10- sec. for self
Inflicts 50 Bleeding Damage per 3 sec. for 15 sec. or target

[Level 58] Ninjutsu: Blade Spin

PVP Attack +15 for 5 sec. for self
All Accuracy +5% for 12 sec. for self

[Level 60] Beheading the Dead

All Defense +20 for 10 sec. for self
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 9 sec. for self


The best weapons in the game are currently dropped from World Bosses.
For more information on this click here to view our World Bosses guide.

Primary Weapons:

icon Rosar Shortsword
The Rosar shortsword is what you should be aiming for to level your character. You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible if you don't have Liverto/Kzarka. Aim to buy a +15 Rosar Shortsword if you can to save your enhancing resources. Ideally you will want to buy or make it ultimate (yellow) to close the AP difference as well. Make sure you also make use of the gem slots to get your Attack Speed and Critical Hit up to 5.

Another alternative is the Styd Shortsword for leveling if you are having trouble obtaining a Rosar Shortsword. This weapon can be bought from a Blacksmith and will give you 18 – 22 AP as well as a lot of accuracy.

icon Liverto Shortsword
Liverto is the fourth strongest mainhand and much easier to obtain and enhance than Kzarka. I personally would not invest in a Liverto because it will just slow your progression. Go to a kzarka as early as possible. If you do already have liverto and have already invested into it, you will want to upgrade it to PRI or higher as soon as possible. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. The liverto has slightly more AP than Rosar, but it also has a Critical Hit Rate +3 item effect.

icon Kzarka Shortsword
Kzarka is the main weapon you will be using. It has the same AP as Liverto but more accuracy and an Attack Speed +3 item effect.

iconOffin Tett's Radiant Shortsword
Offin Tett weapons are usually not worth investing in because of the loss in accuracy. It can help you push to the next AP bracket but at higher AP brackets the extra AP you get is smaller and you'll be losing hit chance % at the same time on both your preawakening and your awakening. So really you're actually losing damage overall since you won't be hitting the enemy as much (unless they are full DR). Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesn't depend on accuracy as much as others, but if you're unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, it's much safer to just use Kzarka.

icon Blackstar Shortsword

Blackstar is considered the current best in slot mainhand weapon with higher base AP than Kzarka. It must be crafted using items in Star's End and then following a questline. The weapon is also harder to enhance so most players only switch to Blackstar once they already have TET Kzaraka and very high AP with no easier upgrades. It has a Damage to All Species +10 and Attack Speed +3 item effect, as well as other bonuses when enhanced. The weapon cannot be enhanced with Caphras stones though. Blackstar is considered best for PVE at endgame but eventually a PEN Kzarka will outscale.

Offhand Weapons:

iconEstique Shuriken
Estique Shuriken is what you should be using to level. You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible. Aim to buy a +15 if you can to save your enhancing resources. Ideally you will want to buy or make it ultimate (yellow) as well to close the AP gap between this weapon and Kutum/Nouver.

iconTadd Shuriken
Tadd Shuriken is the best evasion offhand to use if you are going for a full evasion build in PVP. I only recommend going the full evasion build once you have at least softcap AP gear since you will need a lot of items that aren't part of your main build and are not used for PVE. More information and an example build can be found in the example gear section further down in the guide.

icon Kutum Shuriken
This gives a mixture of AP and DP with added monster damage and accuracy. The Kutum weapons also have a 10% ignore resistance. The higher AP makes this weapon a best in slot for PVE and is also good for PVP in late game. When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found here

It also has 2 crystal slots. The Kutum can also be modified using an Inverted Hearth of Garmoth to give extra stats (Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%).

icon Nouver Shuriken
Nouver is currently considered the best in slot choice for PVP until you reach very high AP brackets. You should aim to have TRI gear before switching to this offhand. This weapon gives pure AP and an all resistance +10% item effect and can be modified using an Inverted Hearth of Garmoth to give extra stats (Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%).

When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found here

Awakening Weapons: icon Tempest Sura Katana
This is a green grade weapon which is sold by some Blacksmith/Arms dealers. You will also receive a +10 weapon when you complete your awakening quests. This weapon has lower AP than the other options but it is still viable for PvE due to it's Damage Against Every Species +5 item effect. It's also much cheaper to enhance and repair max durability than the other options so if you don't have a lot of money or participate in a lot of PvP, then this weapon is a good alternative until you get Dandelion.

icon Yagakmu Sura Katana
This is a blue grade weapon which is given to you when you complete the awakening quests. The only ways to obtain this weapon is through the quest or night vendor. This makes is hard to obtain and it can be more expensive to repair. The weapon is good for PvP and has higher AP than the green version. It also has a Damage Against Human +7 item effect which is good for PVP.

icon Dragon Slayer Sura Katana
Dragon Slayer weapons are very comparable to the Dandelion weapons with their stats. They have slightly less AP but are much cheaper to repair and much less hassle. However, the Dragon Slayer weapons cannot be placed on the marketplace and must be crafted by the player themselves.

icon Dandelion Sura Katana
Dandelion weapons are the BiS awakening weapons. It has much higher AP but it is only obtainable from a Dandelion Weapon Box (Karanda world boss loot) or from the night vendor.


The best armor in the game is currently dropped from Bosses. You will want to aim to get the boots and gloves first.

icon Griffon's Helmet (helmet) – dropped from Griffons in Kamaslyvia.
icon Dim Tree Spirit's Armor (chest) – dropped from Dim Tree Spirit.
icon Bheg's Gloves (gloves) dropped from Bheg.
icon Urugon's Shoes (shoes) – dropped from Urugon (Gaifinrasia Raid Captain Scroll).

icon Giath's Helmet (helmet) alternative choice – dropped from Giath.
icon Muskan's Shoes (shoes) alternative choice – dropped from Monastery Leader.

The best in slot armor for Ninja is Griffon's Helmet, Dim Tree Spirit's Armor, Bheg's Gloves and Urugon's Shoes.

The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces.

In the mean time you should be using one of the following armor sets:

A popular armor choice for new players is to go full Grunil set because it increases your maximum HP and will give you 2 socket slots on each piece, along with extra AP +7 set bonus. Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily.

Full Heve set is also a very popular choice and what I would recommend to a new player because it has an easier transition to boss gear. As soon as you get one boss item with Grunil, you lose the set bonuses which Grunil weaker.

Another alternative is to use is the Akum set. It has comparable stats to boss armor and also a very useful set effect that gives Damage Reduction and Hidden AP. If you are unable to get boss armor, then the Akum set is a good cheap alternative that will be good for both PVP and PV. Investing in this set may slow you down in your progression towards softcap, but is much cheaper once you factor in repairing and enhancing.


There are a lot of choices available when it comes to accessories and it really depends on what you can get your hands on.


If available I recommend using the Asula's Crimon Eye Earrings (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 7 AP and also has very good set bonuses. Otherwise use Bares earrings for 2 AP and switch to Witch's Earring as soon as possible for the 5 AP.

You want to aim for DUO/TRI Witch's Earrings (9 AP/11 AP) before swapping to a DUO Tungrad Earrings (11 AP) because of the huge difference in cost. Tungrad Earrings are one of the best earrings you can get. The other alternative is Black Distortion Earrings which give the highest amount of AP (21 AP at PEN), but reduce your DP as well.

The Capotia Earring is also worth mentioning. It is available at level 62+ only but is a very good earring because of it's high AP. It makes a perfect backup for enhancing and is essentially a free TRI Tungrad Earring.

7 AP 9 AP 10 / 11 / 8 /11 AP 10 / 13 / 13 AP 15 / 15 AP
icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon

Item Name

Base Stats

Enhance Increase


Bares Earring

2 AP

1 AP


Jarette's Earring

(Jarette Set)

4 AP

4-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +5

6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10

Accuracy 2
Hidden Evasion 1

Cannot be Enhanced


Asula's Crimon Eye Earring

(Asula Set)

7 AP
Health 25

3-Piece Set Bonus: Health +300

5-Piece Set Bonus: Acurracy +20

Cannot be Enhanced


Blue Coral Earring

4 AP

Max MP/WP/SP +25
Accuracy 2

2 AP
Accuracy 2


Red Coral Earring

2 AP

Accuracy 14

Max Stamina +50

2 AP

Accuracy +4


Witch's Earring

5 AP
Accuracy 2

2 AP
Accuracy 2


Blue Whale Molar Earring

5 AP

Max HP +100
Accuracy 2

2 AP
Accuracy 2


Fugitive Khalik's Earring

5 AP

Max Stamina +50

Max MP/WP/SP +50
Accuracy 2

2 AP

Max Stamina +20

Max MP/WP/SP +20
Accuracy 2


Tungrade Earring

7 AP

Black Spirit Rage +10%
Accuracy 2

2 AP
Accuracy 2


Capotia Earring

13 AP
Accuracy 8

Accuracy 1 (alternating)
DP 1 (alternating)


Black Distortion Earring

6 AP
Accuracy 6
0 DP

3 AP
Accuracy 2
– 1 DP


If available I recommend using the Asula's Crimon Eye Ring (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 7 AP and 2 DP as well as damage reduction and strong set bonuses. Otherwise use Bares rings for 2 AP and switch to Mark of Shadow as soon as possible for the 5 AP.

Sahazad's Ring of Monarch is also available through the Valencia part I and II quests. It can't be enhanced but it is a good alternative until you can get Ring of Crescent Guardian or Mark of Shadow to PRI/DUO.

The current best in slot, is a Tungrad Ring.

The Capotia Ring is also worth mentioning. It is available at level 61+ only but is a very good ring because of it's high AP. It makes a perfect backup for enhancing and is essentially a free TRI Ring of Crescent Guardian.

5 AP 7 AP 8 / 9 AP 11 / 11 AP 14 AP 17 / 18 AP
icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon

Item Name

Base stats

Enhance Increase


Bares Ring

2 AP

1 AP


Jarette's Ring

(Jarette Set)

4 AP

4-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +5

6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10

Accuracy 2
Hidden Evasion 1

Cannot be Enhanced


Asula's Crimson Eye Ring

(Asula Set)

7 AP
2 DP
Damage Reduction +2

3-Piece Set Bonus: Health +300

5-Piece Set Bonus: Acurracy +20

Cannot be Enhanced


Blue Coral Ring

5 AP

Max MP/WP/SP +25
Accuracy 2

1 AP
Max MP/WP/SP +5
Accuracy 2


Mark of Shadow

5 AP
Accuracy 2

2 AP
Accuracy 2


Sahazad's Ring of Monarch

7 AP

Max HP +25

Cannot be Enhanced



Ring of Crescent Guardian
Eye of the Ruins Ring

5 AP
Accuracy 2

3 AP
Accuracy 2


Capotia Ring

14 AP
Accuracy 8

Accuracy 1 (alternating)
AP 1 (alternating)


Tungrad Ring

6 AP
Accuracy 2

3 AP
Accuracy 2


If available I recommend using the Asula's Crimon Eye Necklace (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 11 AP and 3 DP as well as damage reduction and an amazing set bonus. Otherwise use Bares Necklace for 4 AP and enhance this to DUO/TRI for 8 AP/10 AP. Enhancing a Bares Necklace is much cheaper than using an un-enhanced BiS necklace. You then want to swap to a DUO Serap's or PRI Ogre/Tungrad.

The Manos Necklaces are also an alternative for PvP, if you don't have a DUO Seraps already, due to their item effects. I personally wouldn't bother with them though because you will want as much AP as possible.

11 AP 12 AP 16 / 15 AP 20 / 20 AP 25 / 25 AP 30 AP
icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon

Item Name

Base Stats

Enhance Increase


Bares Necklace

4 AP

2 AP


Jarette's Necklace

(Jarette Set)

7 AP
Accuracy 2
Hidden Evasion 1

4-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +5

6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10

Cannot be Enhanced


Asula's Crimson Eye Necklace

(Asula Set)

11 AP
3 DP
Damage Reduction +3

3-Piece Set Bonus: Health +300

5-Piece Set Bonus: Acurracy +20

Cannot be Enhanced


Ancient Guardian Seal

(Ancient Weapon Core Set)

6 AP

3 DP

Set Effect: Accuracy +20
Accuracy 4
Damage Reduction 3

2 AP

1 DP
Accuracy 4
Damage Reduction 1


Manos Necklace – Topaz

6 AP

Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +30%
Accuracy 4

3 AP

Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +2%
Accuracy 4


Manos Necklace – Ruby

6 AP

Grapple Resistance +30%
Accuracy 4

3 AP

Grapple Resistance +2%
Accuracy 4

Manos Necklace – Emerald

6 AP

Stun/Stiffness/ Freezing Resistance +30%
Accuracy 4

3 AP

Stun/Stiffness/ Freezing Resistance +2%
Accuracy 4

Manos Necklace – Diamond

6 AP

Resistance to all status anomalies +10%
Accuracy 4

3 AP

Resistance to all status anomalies +1%
Accuracy 4


Manos Necklace – Sapphire

6 AP

Knockback/ Floating Resistance +30%
Accuracy 4

3 AP

Knockback/ Floating Resistance +2%
Accuracy 4


Sicil's Necklace

7 AP

3 DP
Evasion 3
Hidden Evasion 6

3 AP

2 DP
Evasion 2
Hidden Evasion 4


Serap's Necklace

8 AP

Max HP +50
Accuracy 4

4 AP
Accuracy 4


Ogre Ring
Latenn's Power Stone

10 AP
Accuracy 4

5 AP
Accuracy 4


Tungrad Necklace

10 AP

Black Spirit Rage +20%
Accuracy 4

5 AP

Accuracy 4


If available I recommend using the Asula's Crimon Eye Belt (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 6 AP and has amazing set bonuses. Otherwise use Bares Belt for 2 AP and swap to Tree Spirit Belt as soon as possible for more AP and high accuracy.

You want to aim for a PRI/DUO Tree Spirit Belt before swapping to DUO Basilisk's because it is much cheaper and easier to get hold of. Basilisk's Belt and Valtarra are very good belts but Tungrade is currently the best in slot.

6 AP 7 AP 9 / 8 AP 11 AP 14 / 14 AP 17 AP
icon icon icon icon icon icon icon icon

Item Name

Base Stats

Enhance Increase


Bares Belt

2 AP

Weight Limit +40

1 AP


Jarette's Belt

(Jarette Set)

4 AP

Accuracy 2

Hidden Evasion 1

4-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +5

6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10

Cannot be Enhanced


Asula's Crimson Eye Belt

6 AP

Weight Limit +100 LT

3-Piece Set Bonus: Health +300

5-Piece Set Bonus: Acurracy +20

Cannot be Enhanced


Ancient Weapon Core

(Ancient Guardian Seal Set)

4 AP

4 DP

Weight Limit +60 LT
Damage Reduction 4
Accuracy 2

Set Effect: Accuracy +20

1 AP

1 DP

Weight Limit +10 LT
Damage Reduction 1
Accuracy 2


Tree Spirit Belt

5 AP

Accuracy +6

Weight Limit +80 LT

2 AP

Accuracy +10


Basilisk's Belt

5 AP

Weight Limit +80 LT
Accuracy 2

3 AP

Accuracy 2


Valtarra Eclipsed Belt

5 AP

Health 0

Weight Limit 80LT

Accuracy 2

3 AP

Health 25
Accuracy 2


Tungrad Belt

6 AP

Black Spirit's Rage 20%

Weight Limit 80LT

Accuracy 2

3 AP

Accuracy 2

Sockets (Crystals)

These are an example of the best sockets for your class. Magical Crystal of Infinity – Evasion has been tested and proven to give more survivability than JIN/BON Cobelinus crystals and is also much cheaper. You can also swap precision crystals for Crystal of Elkarr

iconBlack Magic Crystal – Precision x2

Accuracy +8, Ignore All Resistance 10%

iconCorrupted Magic Crystal x2

Critical Hit Damge +10%, All AP +2, All Damage Reduction -2, 2 set: Critical Hit Damage +2%

iconHAN Magic Crystal – Hoom x2

Hoom 4 set – 8 Accuracy, 7% Resistance, 420 HP, 10 Damage Reduction, 8 Evasion

icon Magical Crystal of Infinity – Evasion x2

Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%

iconJIN Black Magic Crystal – Viper x2

Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Accuracy 20

iconHAN Magic Crystal – Hoom x2

Hoom 4 set – 8 Accuracy, 7% Resistance, 420 HP, 10 Damage Reduction, 8 Evasion

These are an example of some cheaper crystals for your class if you don't have as much to spend and want to go cheap crystals that will aid you while grinding.

icon Magic Crystal of Infinity – Precision x2

All Accuracy +8

icon Magic Crystal of Infinity – Critical x2

Additional Critical Hit Damage +10%

icon Magic Crystal of Infinity – Agility x2

All Evasion +8

icon Magical Crystal of Infity – Evasion x2

Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%

icon Magic Crystal of Infinity – Assault x2

Attack Speed +2

icon Magic Crystal of Infinity – Swiftness x2

Movement Speed +2

Example Gear Builds

I highly recommend using BDOPLANNER.COM to help you plan your build and track your progression.

The build you choose completely depends on your playstyle and what role you want to play in PVP. Below are some example builds to help you decide what is best for you.

Leveling build: link

Here is what to aim for when leveling and before you get your boss gear. You should focus on enhancing your weapons first and then your armor. Try to also ultimate all your pieces as soon as possible, especially your armor because it will give quite a big DP boost.

Click image below to enlarge

Low-Tier build: link
Here is a mid-tier build to use if you are looking to improve your gear before you get boss gear. You may want to use Red Coral Earrings or Witch's Earrings instead but they can be quite expensive compared to the rest of the gear.

Click image below to enlarge

Mid-tier build: link

Here is a mid-tier build to use once you have boss gear. You want to aim to get TRI as soon as possible and then work on your accessories. You want to try to make sure you have a minimum of 300 accuracy when using Nouver. You can also use a TET heve and TRI Muskan's shoes instead but Griffon's and Urugon's shoes are currently considered best in slot in the gear meta.

Click image below to enlarge

Softcap build: link
Here is what to aim for if you are going for. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your softcap build for PVP.

For PVE, you want to be using a Kutum with Corrupted Magic Crystals. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. After many tests, it is confirmed that Nouver performs better than Kutum in these brackets. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found here

You may also want to consider starting to put Caphras stones into your gear for bonus stats to help you get to the next AP bracket. Begin by getting level 4 in your main hand for the extra 4 AP. Then you will want to move on to putting level 2 into each armor piece before getting them all up to level 4 as well.

Click image below to enlarge

End-game build [FULL AP]: link
Here is what to eventually aim for. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your end game build for PVP. Make sure to put Caphras stones into your equipment for extra stats. You can also swap out both of the Black Magic Crystal – Precision for Crystal of Elkarr (best in slot) instead but these are very costly and harder to obtain.

For PVE, you want to be using a Kutum with Corrupted Magic Crystals. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. After many tests, it is confirmed that Nouver performs better than Kutum in these brackets. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found here

For PVP, it really depends. If you are only doing tier 1 node wars for example, then it is better to stick with Kutum because the node is AP capped anyway and the extra DP can push you to a higher DP bracket.

Click image below to enlarge

End-game build [EVASION HYBRID]: link

Here is what to eventually aim for if you want to go for an Evasion hybrid build. I only recommend going for this if you can still maintain 269+ AP. Going full evasion is not really viable anymore and not considerd "meta" but if you do decide to go down this path then you should use the Tadd Shuriken. The build also uses items which are not used in most builds such as Muskans, Heve helmet and Leebur gloves but this will give you around 600 evasion in total and you will still deal very good damage. Make sure to put Caphras stones into your equipment for extra stats. You can also swap out both of the Black Magic Crystal – Precision for Crystal of Elkarr (best in slot) instead but these are very costly and harder to obtain.

Optional crystals:
Boots: Black Magic Crystal – Adamantine/Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine
Gloves: JIN Magic Crystal – Viper/Black Magic Crystal – Sturdiness

Click image below to enlarge


When grinding, I recommend using the Simple Cron Meal. It offers various bonuses and is also the only food which will give you an skill points experience buff. If the cron meal isn't available, you can use EXP Elixirs and Milk Tea, then other food of your choice such as Margoria Seafood and Serendia Special. It really depends on your preference.

For your food rotation in node wars/siege, I would recommend using Knight Combat Rations, Kamaslyvia Special, Valencia Special and then King of Jungle Hamburger in that order. This requires a 2 hour preperation. If you are late or lazy, you can use Exquisite Cron Meal. I would also recommend using the Giant's Draught or party elixirs.

The recipes for these are:

Knight Combat Rations Dark Pudding x1, Ham Sandwich x1, Fruit Wine x1, Meat Croquette x1 All Attack +5, Damage against human race +5, All Damage Reduction +5 for 120 minutes
icon Special Kamasylvia Meal Rainbow Button Mushroom Sandwich x1, Coconut Pasta x1, Fig Pie x1 , Fruit Wine x2, Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese Melt x1 Max HP +150, Max Stamina 200, Back Attack Damage +5% for 110 minutes
Special Valencia Meal Teff Sandwich x1, King of Jungle Hamburger x1, Couscous x1, Fig Pie x2, Date Palm Wine x2 Nullifying all Resistances +4%, Resistance against all Debuffs +4%, All Evasion +10, Decrease of damages from Monsters -6% for 110 minutes
icon King of Jungle Hamburger Teff Bread x4, Pickled Vegetables x2, Lion Meat x4, Nutmeg x3 Ignores All Resistance +3%, Critical Hit Damage +5% for 110 minutes

In addition, you may want to use Perfume of Courage (buff lost on death) and Tough Whale Tendon Elixirs. Usually these are not required for node wars.

Other buffs you may want to collect can be found here: [link]

Useful Links

  • – official ninja forum
  • – ninja/kuno discord
  • – pvp tips and tricks (episode 1)
  • – pvp tips and tricks (episode 2)
  • – movement guide
  • – hystria grinding rotation
  • – aakman grinding rotation
  • – pvp montage
  • – pvp montage
  • – succession pvp tips and tricks (episode 1)
  • – succession pvp tips and tricks (episode 2)
  • – succession aakman grinding rotation
  • – succession pvp montage

Change Log

  • 10/11/2015 – posted the first version of the guide
  • 17/06/2020 – complete rework of the guide

Black Desert Online Remastered How to Get Ninja Armor


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